Belt and Road SME Corner

Sell to Belt and Road
The growing economic affluence of the Belt and Road countries is translating into rising purchasing power. An increasing number of mid-to-high income consumers in the Belt and Road countries are looking for high-quality, stylish products.
The smoother trade flows between Belt and Road countries and the market potential create more business opportunities for Hong Kong companies to benefit from these markets, especially after the implementation of free trade agreements between Hong Kong and those countries.
Manufacturing Partnership and Investment
China had set up over 80 economic and trade cooperation zones in 24 countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.
The new markets in Belt and Road countries can be considered alternative production bases for manufacturers or potential investors to explore investment opportunities.
Find out how you can tap the manufacturing capacity of these markets and evaluate the skill, education level, cost of labour force and other related operational costs of your target production bases along the Belt and Road.
The Belt and Road boasts sizable markets. Thanks to internet penetration, E-Commerce has generated new windows of opportunities for cross-boundary trading.
Still, there are a number of issues, import regulations, tariffs, logistics and markets to consider.
Sell to Belt and Road
The growing economic affluence of the Belt and Road countries is translating into rising purchasing power. An increasing number of mid-to-high income consumers in the Belt and Road countries are looking for high-quality, stylish products.
The smoother trade flows between Belt and Road countries and the market potential create more business opportunities for Hong Kong companies to benefit from these markets, especially after the implementation of free trade agreements between Hong Kong and those countries.
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