About this project
The new large Bertalia -Lazzaretto sector, under construction in the north -ZHVWDUHDRI௙WKHFLW\LVSDUWRI a larger plan aimed at transforming Bologna into the ³&LW\RI.QRZOHGJH´FUHDWLQJQHZLQIUDVWUXFWXUHVDQG services for culture, research, innovation. Once completed, the Lazzaretto sector will see the construction of 2,000 new homes, as well as new spaces for the University, offices, shops and public spaces. Some residential lots and part of the University Campus have been already completed in the south -east area (near via Terracini). The new university buildings (light brown in the picture) will provide the area with approximately 25,000 square meters for classrooms, laboratories, student residences and student services, which will integrate the other university buildings already present in via Terracini. Total area: 730,000 sq.m Net floor area: 1a : 5,157 sq,m 1b : 4,034 sq,m 1c : 7,100 sq.m Sector: housing, student housing, senior housing. Type of contract: sale Looking for: developers Ownership: private owners