Ghana - Kanda Kondos Property Development
The project is to develop one-hundred and sixty-four (164) apartment units with ample amenities to include; parking, swimming pool, day-care center, tennis court, club house with gymnasium and a restaurant to cater for the tenants on a 2.68 acre land. The project will be developed in Two (2) Phases over a period of 12 and 24 months respectively. The average sale price of these apartments shall be US$350,000.00.
A feasibility study by KPMG in 2012 puts the average sale price for similar apartments at US$468,000.00. RPML has already secured:
a) A "Facility Agreement" from a Project Financier for the funding amount of US$27Million.
b) State Housing Company (SHC) Certificate of Entry issued to RPML to start construction, AND project land sub-lease and contract agreement.
c) OFF-TAKER MoU agreement with AKKA KAPPA Property Solutions for the sales of the apartment at the recommendation of project developer, MICHELETTI & Co.