Common ICT Infrastructure

About this project
Since New Clark City is a greenfield development, BCDA seeks to build a dark fibre network that is ISP-agnostic and shall be offered for common use of internet service providers and connect locators to the web through wired and wireless services.The Project will include the building of the underground ICT corridor as encasement for the conduit plus integration of ducts as well as chamber and pole infrastructure, PoPs and transmission sites, co-location facilities inside PoPs such as MMRs, middle mile fiber, fiber to towers, fiber to enterprises and customers, street furniture and Operations Center and OSS/BSS tool. The Project is sought to be operated and maintained by a Joint Venture Company with the BCDA as a minority stake holder (10%) and the private sector partner as the majority stakeholder. The Project delivers wholesale passive network services to Internet Service Providers (Globe, Smart, DITO, Converge), cable-TV companies, ICT business, Mobile Network Operators, Independent Tower Companies, Data Center Operators and others.