
Country Region

城市规划顾问有限公司是一家屡获殊荣的国际跨专业城市规划及设计顾问公司,为政府、公私营机构及发展机构提供专业服务,包括总体规划、城市设计、建筑、园景设计、城市及区域规划、发展顾问、专家证人、社会发展及专案管理等。 城市规划顾问有限公司总部于1985年在香港成立,被公认为地区一流的规划设计顾问公司。第二家办事处在1996年于雅加达成立,以确保我们对印尼客户的长期承诺。其后在2002和2008年分别于深圳和孟买开设了办事处,分别为中国和印度日益增长的工作量提供服务。在营运38 多年期间,已成功管理及完成超过四千个由个别地块至区域规模的项目,地点遍及亚洲、南太平洋及大西洋区域、非洲及欧洲。

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Andrew has been Lead Arranging and advising on infrastructure finance for 30+ years.

In 2003, he set up in business as Logie Group to provide specialist advice on infrastructure finance in Asia across the whole investment cycle namely:

  • governments and public sector on policy including in Indonesia the MOF on its $15 billion of support for PLN in the power sector and Bappenas on a $235 million water supply project; and how to finance a $7 billion new state capital city in India.
  • institutional investors on strategy across the region.
  • transaction preparation and M & A advisory, e.g. hydro in Sri Lanka.
  • acting as an expert witness in arbitrations such as for Fraport re the $600 million Manila airport terminal 3; for a US developer in a $125 million power plant in Cambodia where he was cross examined in person and sat in a “hot tub” exchange of views with the other side’s expert (both rare experiences); and for a Canadian investor in a gold mine in a ’Stan country.
  • Capacity building / training.
  • Acting as a Non – Executive Director of e.g. an aircraft lessor.

Andrew is a member of the UNECE roster of PPP experts; acts as a peer reviewer for them; and is on IFC’s Nominee Directors database. He is a Fellow of the HKICPA, ICAEW and HKIoD; and a member of the HKSI, HKIB and APIEx.

Andrew worked originally with KPMG then PWC in London, Hong Kong and Sydney; then in tax driven financing at Westpac’s investment bank in Australia; Lead Arranging project finance at Mizuho then UBS in London; before he returned to Asia in 1998 as Head of Global Structured Finance, Asia Pacific for WestLB when it was a top five Lead Arranger of project finance globally.

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Robert Bird Group成立于1982年, 是一家全球性的工程谘询公司, 在全球设有十个办事处拥有700多名员工。作为盛裕集团的成员, 我们致力于通过在所有项目中不懈追求卓越的工程设计来实现每个客户的愿景。 我们运用跨国的专长为客户提供以下五个范畴的工程谘询服务:

  • 结构工程

  • 土木工程

  • 施工工程

  • 岩土工程(英国和中东)

  • 数字工程(建筑信息模拟管理,4维可视化和数字设计)

我们可以根据每个客户的确切需求提供单个或合并服务, 适用于大部份建筑和基础设施行业的所有类型和规模的项目。 我们寻求与客户的设计团队为项目优先事项进行早期设计构思的沟通。 我们结合卓越工程设计, 施工与交付方面的专业知识, 为我们的客户在成本, 项目计划和风险方面带来重大利益。我们可以从全球办事处迅速汇聚工程团队和相关专业人员, 以解决当地项目的事宜。 我们致力于持续改进, 为普遍接受的做法提出替代方案。我们能够充分理解客户, 建筑师和所有项目参与团队的观点, 这使我们所参与的设计项目屡获殊荣。 无论是用于工程分析、设计、文档或通讯, 我们都致力采用新技术。对于客户而言, 这是可靠的经验和意想不到的热情的鼓舞人心的结合。

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